Women’s stories are vital and important. Currently, those stories whether expressed in poems, plays, screenplays, novels, essays, or memoirs are not published, reviewed, or promoted as often as the work of men. Storyknife provides female-identified writers with the time and space to explore their craft without distraction. Every aspect of a residency at Storyknife is steeped in a profound generosity of spirit so that each writer knows she and her work are valuable. Storyknife residents carry away both this affirmation and a living community of women writers to assist their valuable work wherever they go.

Residencies at Storyknife in Homer, Alaska, are either for two or four weeks based on preference of the applicant. Resident’s food and lodging is covered during the period of their residency, but travel to and from Homer, Alaska, is the responsibility of the resident. There are some travel scholarships available. Residents stay in individual cabins & dine at the main house. An on-staff chef is responsible for food preparation.

Residencies are available April through October.

The application period will be July 1 to August 31, 2024. Please make sure that you subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook.


Applicants must:

  • Be woman-identified
  • Be 21 years of age or older
  • Apply as an individual artist, not a collaborative group or team

You will provide a work sample and answer four questions (each answer 300 words or fewer).

  • How have you sought to educate yourself as a writer? (Formal education not a prerequisite, but evidence of curiosity and learning in your applicable genre is.)
  • What is your experience with publishing your work? (Publishing is not a prerequisite but is considered a goal for writers who attend Storyknife.)
  • What project will you pursue while in residency? (Please note that you will be free to work on whatever writing you wish during residency. We simply are interested in what you think you’ll be pursuing.)
  • Why would a writing residency benefit you at this time especially?

Work Sample Requirements:

  • Work samples should reflect work completed within the last two years. All work samples must be uploaded through Submittable.
  • Applicants can submit published or unpublished work samples.
  • All work samples must be combined into one PDF file.
  • A writing sample not to exceed 10 pages (prose: double-spaced 12 point font, poetry: single-spaced 12 point font acceptable). Prose includes screenplays and stage plays which also must conform to the 10 page limit. 
  • Any writing samples with identifying material will be disqualified. This is an anonymous process. Identifying material is your full name, last name, address, or publication credits. Do no include your full name, last name, address, or publication credits in either the writing sample, the file name, or in headers/footers.  This only refers to the writing sample, not the answers to the questions.


Storyknife is committed to diversity and elevating the voices of historically excluded communities. We value all aspects of diversity and seek to make each resident’s time at Storyknife as productive and pleasant as possible.

Please contact executive director Erin Hollowell, at ehollowell@storyknife.org to ask about accommodation or to speak further about your needs. Storyknife is welcoming to all and will work with you to meet your needs.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility or preparing your application, contact executive director Erin Hollowell, at ehollowell@storyknife.org.

Storyknife Writers Retreat